Can Warm Compresses Help Dry Eyes?

Dry eyes affect millions of Americans every year and even more around the world. With this common condition, you may be one of many that suffer from red eyes, irritation or burning sensations, blurry vision, or even a sensitivity to light.  With symptoms that can significantly impact your day-to-day life, your dry eyes are more…

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Dry Eye Care: Don’t Let It Go Untreated

There’s no way around it: dry eyes are uncomfortable and inconvenient. Not only are they a hurdle for seeing clearly, but secondary symptoms can also include red or gritty eyes as well as light sensitivity. With the complex ecosystem of the eyes, leaving dry eye symptoms untreated can have consequences. Luckily, the best relief for…

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Promising Clinical Results in Treatment of Dry Eye Disease Unveiled at the American Academy of Optometry Meeting

Atlanta, Georgia (October 21, 2022) — At the upcoming annual meeting of the American Academy of Optometry in San Diego, renowned Doctor of Optometry, Ron Melton will publicly share for the first time the results of a multi-site clinical study evaluating the effectiveness of a new product designed to treat dry eyes related to meibomian…

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